Selling helps sales people connect the way they sell to the way their
customers buy. The Miller Heiman program clearly defines how to unearth a
customer’s key issues and concerns in order to better focus selling
efforts on what the buyer needs to accomplish. With Conceptual Selling,
salespeople gain a framework to view the sale from the customer’s
perspective, build credibility, and create collaborative win-win solutions.
In the Conceptual Selling® program you will learn, apply, and practice the following sales call planning strategies and tactics.
Customer's Concept
- Understand what the Customer's Concept is and why it is necessary to understand it
- Connect the Concept Sale and the Product Sale
- Know why the Concept Sale always has to come first
Action Commitments
- Set customer action targets for every call
- Determine your Best Action Commitment: the most you can expect from the customer as a result of the call
- Identify your Minimum Acceptable Action: the least you'll settle for
- Know what to do when you "can't get" the minimum
- Use the Guidelines for Commitment: make sure they are specific, realistic, and measurable
Single Sales Objective
- Learn the most common error in setting objectives
- Identify Single Sales Objectives that are measurable and tangible
- Hear examples of "fuzzy" and sharply defined SSOs
Valid Business Reason
- Establish a business reason for each call
- Develop the criteria you must have for an effective VBR
- Hear why credibility is key to getting started in every call
- Learn the three types of credibility: earned, transferred, and established by reputation
- Understand why you should test your credibility on every call
Getting Information
- Recognize what information is missing and who is the best person to ask
- Leverage questioning as a process to confirm and uncover information
- Explore the five question types: Confirmation, New Information, Attitude, Commitment, and Basic Issues
Superb Communication
- Maximize the understanding between yourself and the customer
- Compare the effects of "Question Shock" and Golden Silence
- Discover the proven benefits of Golden Silence
Giving Information
- See why differentiation is imperative to buying decisions
- Understand the importance of leveraging your unique strengths to differentiate your company, product or service
- Decipher the difference between unique strengths and features and benefits
- Use the acid tests for differentiation: "So what?" and "Prove it!"
Sales Call Approaches
- Compare traditional selling approaches and the joint venture
- Evaluate which works and which doesn't
- Utilize logic to get to win-win results with your customers
Getting Commitment
- Learn how each sales call ends on what the customer will do next
- Know when the customer is ready for action by understanding commitment signals
- Define why customers won't commit and overcome basic issues
Sales Call Plan
- Bring it all together and detail your action plan for your upcoming sales calls
- Use the Green Sheet checklist questions to build your strategy
This program, which uses Miller Heiman’s Green Sheet, provides a
consistent method for creating high-value solutions that are difficult for
competitors to replicate. Participants will learn to better interpret information
about the prospect to craft a comprehensive solution that matches the needs of
the buying organization.