The Connector ... connecting you with tips and resources focused on your success
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Welcome to The Connector

The intention of The Connector is to connect you with tools and resources that are focused on your success. In this issue, you will find:

  • Five best practices for consistent success
  • Three ways to map a change-ready culture
  • The value that one university is bringing to corporate leadership
  • An association home for leading sales
    executives and performance professionals
  • Recommended reading on how full engagement impacts company success

I encourage you to share how you have accelerated your individual and company success. Collective best practices will be included in upcoming issues. To contribute: Connect with Arlene
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The Connector ...connecting you with tips and resources
                In This Issue - November 2012
Five Tips to Achieve Consistent Success
Developing a Change-Ready
Sales Culture
The University of Texas at Dallas
provides corporate leadership excellence
Arlene speaks at Sales Management
Association's annual global conference
Book Review: We: How to Increase
Performance and Profits Through
Full Engagement

From the Desk of ...
Five Tips to Achieve Consistent Success
by Gerhard Gschwandtner | Chief Executive Officer - Personal Selling, Inc. | Publisher, Selling Power

Although there are more than 1,200 books on the subject of success, very few deal with the subject of consistent success. What makes some companies grow over 90 years, while 80 percent of all new businesses fold within five? Why do some CEOs stay at the top of their corporations for two decades, while others get axed after a few years? Why do some salespeople stay in the top 10 percent year after year, while others never reach the top half? Is it destiny that shapes a fixed star and fate that creates a shooting star?

Structure and operation are two concepts that apply equally to companies and individuals who want to achieve consistent success. Here is a short list of attributes Selling Power has gleaned from ... read more

Developing a Change-Ready Sales Culture
by Arlene Johnson

When promoted to your role in sales management, did you realize that your success not only hinged on how to motivate and manage a sales organization, but also on how to lead and manage change?

In a changing business environment with more questions than answers, leading a sales organization to achieve desired sales results is an accomplishment unto itself. So when an organization consistently wins, ah, that's when the market takes notice and pays attention. As a global performance consultant working with industry leaders, I've found, other than a differentiating strategy, structure or product offering, that there's always one key win indicator – their ability to discover and act on change that matters the most, relevant change. They also have a high antenna and practiced approach … read more

Educating Corporate Leaders
UTD provides the knowledge, skills, and tools to position your corporation for success


The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) Corporate Education partners with corporations to develop key talent and utilize technology to maximize business performance. Leadership teams now can benefit from Corporate Education's leading edge research to clarify business goals and objectives and define and craft a talent development strategy appropriate for today's global business environment. No matter what your organization's goals UTD Corporate Education provides the knowledge, skills, and tools to position your corporation for success.

As an example, Safran, a $15 billion Paris-based aerospace, defense and security company, partnered with UTD Corporate Education to help them ... read more

Sales Leadership in Action
Arlene speaks on "Developing a Change-Ready Sales Culture"
Sales Management Association Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Arlene spoke at the global Sales Management Association Sales Performance and Productivity Conference in Atlanta, GA, October 25, on Developing a Change-Ready Sales Culture. Sponsored by Miller Heiman Sales Performance Company, Arlene provided the sales executive and performance professional attendees with a three part Mapping Change methodology to ensure that:

  • change strategies directly effect bottom line results
  • change is collaborative and a shared endeavor
  • individual and team strategies for change success are
    tracked, coached and rewarded.

Each attendee received a copy of Arlene's book, SUCCESS MAPPING (2nd Edition).

Miller Heiman, a global and premier sales performance company was a conference sponsor. Joe Galvin, Chief Research Officer at MH, shared at the conference their 2012 Sales Performance and Productivity Study. Joe is pictured at right (as Joe says, "at 7ft. tall I can't be missed") with Arlene and Philippe Le Baron, a conference attendee. Also shown sharing MH's best sales performance practices and processes is Jennifer Long, Director of Sales for MH and Monica Postell of Impact Learning Systems.


Pictured in front of the SMA Conference banner with Arlene is CEO of SMA, Bob Kelley. Congratulations to Bob and his staff for a most successful global Sales Management Conference!

Book Connection - to succeed, read
Featured Book Review

Bob Morris is a book reviewer extraordinaire who brings his academic (MA at Yale) and business experience (as university professor, public relations and management consultant) and personal wit to his succinct yet robust reviews of best-selling business books.

Read below Bob's book review on We: How to Increase Performance and Profits Through Full Engagement. In this book review you'll gain the core concepts with page numbers of book passages that caught his eye!

We: How to Increase Performance and Profits Through Full Engagement
Author, Rudy Karsan and Kevin Kruse

Why "there is nothing more important for a person or an organization than full engagement"

The term "full engagement" refers to a never-ending process rather than to an ultimate destination. Also, because people are not machines, they cannot be fully engaged (however defined) all the time indefinitely. In their Introduction, Rudy Karsan and Kevin Kruse suggest, "Being fully engaged means you are motivated to give the extra effort … read more

Contact Arlene to discuss how she can work with your organization to increase profitable sales and map relevant change to directly impact your bottom line results.

Mapping Change™
and Train-the-Trainer

For career and business success,
map the change you want.

The Connector

Connect with Arlene
and contribute to
The Connector

Know how to differentiate
yourself with:

Change strategies to achieve
what's critical
Productive customer conversations

Winning strategies for sales opportunities
Collaborative negotiations

Sinequanon Group, Inc.
O: 972-991-6991

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